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This website is provided as a resource for people to find where others have reported experiencing prejudice, so that those who oppose prejudice in all of its forms can avoid these places, in an attempt to hit prejudiced businesses and places where it hurts most - in the pocket.
All information on this site is supplied by users, and no attempt at verification has been made. It is quite possible, even likely, that some people have made reviews in bad faith. We rely on the user-rating system to balance this out so that bad faith reviews will be given less weight than good faith ones.
Reports from large worldclass news websites will be given a higher weighting than individual user reviews, for the simple fact that these will be considered to be verified reports confirmed by witnesses.
This website is NOT intended to provide locations for vigilante justice, and we strongly discourage anyone from such unlawful actions. If you experience prejudice, your local law enforcement agency is the correct path to punishment of the offenders.
All comments are the property of their owners, however we do not store any information whatsoever to identify any users.
Clicking the 'I accept these terms' button below is the only thing that authorises you to use this website, and as such, your clicking that button in turn agrees that you have read and understand the above information, and you agree to indemnify the owners of this website from any liability for comments made on the site.